How to Reduce Pre-Period Hunger and Bloating

During the luteal phase (which begins following ovulation), your body releases progesterone to prepare the body for pregnancy.

Progesterone is usually highest around the middle of the luteal phase and is associated with increased cravings, hunger & bloating.

Estrogen, on the other hand, typically has a suppressive effect on our appetite and begins to decline just before menstruation in response to the egg not being fertilized.

Both of these hormones are very important for overall health and longevity. Neither of them should be labeled as the bad guy. It is just an issue when they are out of balance. Depending on the levels of these hormones, you may feel more hungry before your period and/or experience bloating.

If you have mild bloating a day or two before your period, that isn’t a huge concern. However, if you feel like you need to go up a pant size during the week before your period, that is an issue.

It is the same thing with hunger. Leading up to your period your insulin sensitivity could decline meaning your body will be less efficient at pulling blood sugar into the cell. Because of this, you may feel you’re more hungry and have increased cravings. Naturally, you need more fuel during this phase. Your caloric needs could increase by 5-10% during this phase of your cycle. Again, it is just an issue when it is uncontrollable.

As well as increased appetite, you may crave foods higher in sugar and carbs. Sugar & carbs make us feel good. Foods like this can immediately boost our mood and energy when we’re stressed, upset, or tired.

It is okay to give in to these urges. Just know this is just a temporary fix. And sugar can affect our hormones.

Here are 3 nutrient tips for managing hunger & bloating around your cycle:

  1. Eat 3 balanced meals a day built from whole foods.

  2. Keep healthy snacks available if a craving hits.  

  3. Stay hydrated! 

3 lifestyle tips for managing hunger & bloating around your cycle are:

  1. Incorporate a daily stress management practice. 

  2. Prioritizing getting enough sleep.

  3. Move your body!

I am not saying these nutrition and lifestyle tips will prevent any pang of hunger or slight bloating from occurring. However, these factors will support balanced hormones which should reduce these symptoms. 


The Baddie Buzz: Vol. 1


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