10 Social Media Prompts for Female Entrepreneurs

As a female entrepreneur, it’s hard to be able to come up with ALL the content, all the time. This is why cheat sheets like this come in handy!

The first 3 on the list are what I LOVE seeing as an entrepreneur from other female entrepreneurs. I love seeing/reading about how others start as well as the behind-the-scenes. I love behind the scenes specifically when it comes to products or creation.

My other personal fave is a day in the life, although this may require you to have a content creator to help. 

What would you add to this list?

1. Share your entrepreneurial journey: Talk about how you started your business and the challenges you've overcome along the way.
2. Highlight a product or service: Showcase one of your best-selling or most innovative offerings and explain how it solves a problem for your customers.
3. Behind-the-scenes glimpse: Take your followers behind the scenes of your business operations or show them a sneak peek of what goes into creating your products.
4. Customer testimonials: Share positive feedback from satisfied customers to build credibility and trust in your brand.
5. Personal development: Discuss any personal or professional development resources you've found helpful in growing your business.
6. Industry insights: Share your expertise by providing insights or tips related to your industry or niche.
7. Inspirational quotes: Share motivational quotes or affirmations that resonate with you and your entrepreneurial journey.
8. Collaborations and partnerships: Highlight any collaborations or partnerships you've formed with other businesses or influencers.
9. Day-in-the-life: Take your followers through a typical day in your life as an entrepreneur, showing both the highs and lows.
10. Q&A sessions: Host a live Q&A session where your followers can ask you questions about your business, industry, or anything else they're curious about.

These prompts can help you create engaging and relevant content that resonates with your audience on social media. Hope this helps either get you started or add to your content.


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